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Cynthie Fisher

Hometown: Hamilton, MT

Wildlife artist Cynthie Fisher is nuts about animals. Everything in her world revolves around her love and admiration for all wildlife, which is aided by her college studies in zoology and wildlife management. She chooses to share this love via her vibrant colorful paintings and scratchboards of species from all corners of the world, most of which she has traveled to, including 21 trips to Africa. She has hunted on almost every continent, amassing an impressive number of trophies, as well as invaluable references for her artwork. Cynthie has been a professional artist for over 35 years, and has added sculpture, glass mosaics and mixed media sculpting to her repertoire.

Cynthie’s list of artistic accomplishments includes 18 duck stamp awards, many times featured artist for the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and Ducks Unlimited, cover artist for SCI, and many others. She shows her work every year at the Safari Club conventions in Nashville and Dallas, she’s a life member of the WSF, and her artwork has raised many thousands of dollars for conservation. She is a board member of the Society of Animal Artists, and currently makes her home in Hamilton, Montana.

“Everything I do centers around animals. I strive to create realistic and accurate portrayals, some of which tell a story. I don’t copy photos but create my own unique composition that compliments what I’m trying to depict. I believe my collectors are looking for one of two things: a piece of art that represents a memory or a wish. And I love being able to fulfill that for them!”

Chris Wilson

Hometown: Marietta, GA

Chris was trained by several nationally known sculptors as a high school student before receiving his Bachelors Degree in Art from Kennesaw State University in 1994 and his Masters of Fine Arts Degree in sculpture from Georgia State University in 2001. Chris continued to enhance his craftsmanship, form, and concepts as a professor of art for over seven years. Today, Wilson Wildlife Sculpture is his exclusive focus. His training and attention to detail have culminated in over 100 best of show awards; among them include Best of Show in 3D and People’s Choice Award at the Nature Works Art Show in 2014, 2018, 2022, and 2024. In 2023, one of Wilson Wildlife Sculpture’s Instagram post reached over 56 million viewers.

Chris’ work is inspired by nature. The beauty of birds and their ability to fly captivates him. In 2001, Chris traced the journey of his ancestor, William Bartram, through parts of the Southeast. Bartram – America’s first naturalist artist – was the first to describe many birds, plants, and animals. Wildlife, such as a great blue heron, ancient stand of trees, and primeval wilderness overwhelmed Chris with a spiritual feeling; others can experience this emotion through Chris’ fervent sculptures. In a statement by Chris, he states, “I have been blessed with a talent that I love sharing with others, and I aspire to create one-of-a-kind sculptures that can be enjoyed for generations.”

John Eiseman

Hometown: Hebron, MD

John has been painting since he was a teenager. John attended the Kansas City Art Institute and the Maryland Institute College of Art – graduating Magna Cum Laude in 1981. John’s paintings have won numerous awards and have been accepted into many exhibitions regionally and nationally. Just since 2021, John’s awards include: “Harbor Award” Paint Annapolis in 2023 and 2024, “Best Water”-Shadows on the Teche, La, Harford Maryland Plein Air Festival “Best of Show” 2023 and 2022 Artists’ Choice and “Spirit of Maryland” award, “Best in Show” at Adkins Nature Center in 2022, “Best in Show” at the Coastal Virginia Plein Air Festival in 2021, “Artist Choice” at the St. George Island Plein Air Festival in 2021, Best “River” painting in 2021 and best “Nocturne” award in 2022 at the Gloucester Arts Festival, 2nd place at the New Bern Plein Air Festival for 2021, 2022, “Best of New Bern/Beaufort” in 2023 and 2024, “Spirit of the Adirondacks” award at the 2021 Adirondack Plein Air Festival. John’s work has recently been accepted into the national juried exhibitions of the Oil Painters of America (OPA), American Impressionist Society (AIS) and the National Oil and Acrylic Painter’s Society (NOAPS). Recently, in the June 2022 Plein Air Salon Magazine – John was awarded the “best Plein Air Landscape”. He is a member of the prestigious, historic Washington Society of Landscape Painters.  John also writes narratives of his plein air adventures and has been published in Plein Air Magazine.

Richard Clifton

Hometown: Milford, DE

Richard Clifton was born in Delaware in 1961.  He lives on a historic family farm adjoining the Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge, where he is surrounded by inspiration for his art.  He is a self-taught artist who has chosen acrylics as his medium.

Waterfowl being one of his favorite subjects, he has gone on to paint 54 duck stamps from various states, including the 1996 Australian Duck Stamp and the 2007-2008 Federal Duck Stamp.  Recently he won the 2020 Federal Duck Stamp Contest with a painting of a Lesser Scaup drake.  This is his second win in the Federal and the image appeared on the 2021-2022 stamp.

Richard’s work has been displayed in many of the top wildlife art shows throughout the country, including the Southeastern Wildlife Exposition and the Easton Waterfowl Festival.  He was honored as the featured artist for the Easton Waterfowl Festival in 2022.  Richard’s work has been chosen several times for the D.U. National Art Package.  Also, he has been named D.U. Artist of the Year 4 times and is the first to win in back-to-back years.  He has appeared in the documentary the “Million Dollar Duck”, and on “D.U. TV” in an episode about his Wildlife Art, Conservation efforts and Waterfowl hunting on his farm.

He is a casual birder and an avid hunter of waterfowl, deer and upland game and uses his experiences in the field as inspiration for his work.

Bernie Houston

Hometown: Savannah, GA

For over four decades Bernie Houston has traveled both nationally and internationally collecting driftwood with most pieces found in the Atlantic region of the United States.


Bernie grew up off the coast of Savannah Georgia where he was surrounded by driftwood. “The paradigm shift for me as a very young artist was selling my first sculpture right out of the box in a gallery in my own home town”.


Bernie studied art at the prestigious Savannah College of Art & Design. After graduation and while working as a graphic artist, he continues to present and exhibit his sculptures in galleries and art festivals across the country.


Because nature does not mimic itself Bernie’s creations are fifty percent nature – fifty percent the unique talent and creativity of the artist. His entire collection is one-of-a-kind and created using one solid piece of driftwood. There is not a single piece like it on the planet. Bernie believes the wood determines the nature of the piece so he meticulously chooses driftwood based on its age, shape and overall form. His sculptures take shape first with curing then careful cutting and sanding. In the final stages, Bernie’s sculptures come to life with the finishing touches of polish and paint.


Bernie’s gift is his ability to visualize and carve each piece of driftwood into a unique work of art. The right tools, the right style of carving, and complete attention to detail result in truly unique and wonderful masterpieces.

Don Rambadt

Hometown: Milwaukee, WI

“I sculpt because I enjoy the challenge of manipulating space, I choose birds as my subject matter because they fascinate me to no end.”


Using birds as a point of departure for his welded sculptures, Don explores the relationship of positive and negative space and manipulates this interplay to give the impression of life and movement in his work. Although somewhat abstract, his artwork is firmly based on anatomical accuracy and fidelity to his subjects character. “I feel you should have an intimate understanding of your subject matter before you attempt to abstract it. This allows you to select which characteristics to emphasize, or de-emphasize, to portray your subject truthfully..without extraneous clutter “.




Don was born, raised, and currently lives in Milwaukee WI.
After earning his BFA from UW Milwaukee in 1995, he began sculpting part-time while partnering in the establishment of Vanguard Sculpture Services, a full service art foundry, where he specialized in the casting and fabrication of monumental bronze sculpture. In 2001 he left the foundry to focus his sculpture full time. Don also teaches an introduction to welded sculpture course at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design, and has been a yearly exhibitor at the Waterfowl Festival since 1997. He was inducted into the Festival Hall of Fame in 2017.


Don has exhibited his sculptures across the United States and abroad, and has had his work included the international “Bird’s in Art” Exhibition at the Leigh Yawkey Woodsen Art Museum in Wausau, WI 19 times. He was honored with the Woodson’s “Master Artist” award in 2017. He has public placements in seven states, and his work can be found in numerous museum and private collections around the world. He is also an avid bird watcher, and holds a Master class falconry permit.

Paul Rhymer

Hometown: Point of Rocks, MD

Paul comes from a family of artists and has drawn and painted his whole life.  After receiving an Associate of Arts degree from a local college in 1984, he accepted a job at the Smithsonian Institution doing taxidermy and model making and retired in 2010.  In the late 90’s as a result of so much three-dimensional work in his museum job, his own personal artwork gradually began to transform from painting and drawing into sculpture.  Being an avid birder, waterfowl hunter, and taxidermist gives him constant anatomy and behavioral learning experiences that inspire his sculpture.


Paul’s work has been exhibited in such prestigious art shows such as the National Sculpture Society, the Society of Animal Artists and Birds in Art. His wildlife sculpture is at the National Zoo, National Museum of Natural History, the Denver Zoo, Woodson Art Museum, Hiraim Blauvelt Museum and various public buildings and parks and private collections thought the US. He is on the Board of Directors for the Society of Animal Artists.

Audie Bloise

Hometown: Moravian Falls, NC

Audie Bloise was born in Puerto Rico. He has been a bird watcher and art lover all his life, with a particular interest in art that depicts birds. In 1982 he became aware of bird carving as an art form, and vowed that he was going to learn to carve. Skills practiced in his profession as a veterinarian and his hobby of taxidermy gave him invaluable knowledge of anatomical details, and the ability to perform meticulous and careful work.


Audie taught himself the art of carving by studying videos, books and other publications, and completed his first piece in 2006. He began entering competitions in 2009 as a way of meeting and learning from other carvers.

The Ward World Championship Wildfowl Carving Competition is the most prestigious bird carving competition in the world. Held every April in Ocean City, Maryland, it welcomes carvers from all over the world. After competing and winning at all levels Audie officially became a master carver in 2013.


Bird carving is Audie’s passion. His goal is to create a sculpture that is both a realistic depiction of the bird and a balanced artistic composition, as well as telling a story about the bird’s life.

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